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Guatemala Arabica
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Guatemala is a fascinating country with stunning natural habitats. Thirty-seven volcanoes, some of them still active, are spread around the country. They are not only iconic landscapes but also responsible for the distinct characters found in Guatemalan coffees. As rich as its nature is Guatemala‘s indigenous culture. Many Guatemalans still live quite isolated within their traditional culture. Since the end of the Guateleman civil war in the late 20th century, sustainable agriculture and high-quality coffee cultivation have helped to stabilize income and build a base for future generations.
Based in this region, the Cocolense Cooperative is a member society of the Federación de Cooperativas Agrícolas de Productores de Café de Guatemala (Fedecocagua). The association represents 20,000 coffee growers, predominantly smallholder farmers with an average land of 1.32 ha. It offers support in processing, exporting, quality management, and sharing best practices, among other things. Cooperativa Cocolense is located in Cocolá Grande close to the municipal capital Santa Eulalia in Huehuetenango. Being Fairtrade and Organic certified, the members receive fair prices as well as financial and educational help for agricultural progress to improve productivity and the quality of their produce. The financial benefits and the ongoing agricultural trainings support the smallholders to sustain and improve their livelihood through their hard and passionate work.
Region: Huehuetenango
Producer: Cooperativa Cocolense (Fedecocagua)
Altitude: 780 – 1,500 masl.
Variety: Typica, Bourbon, Catuaí, Pache, Caturra
Harvest Period: Dec – Apr
Processing: washed